Past Events
Launch of 'Farm Powered - Opportunities for regional communities in the renewable energy boom' report written for Farmers for Climate Action.
Co-authored with RE Alliance and Neil Gibbs. Watch the webinar HERE
Read the report HERE
National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo 2022
18 August, Albury Entertainment Centre. Field Trips held to bioenergy at a piggery and grazing under panels at the West Glenrowan Solar Farm.
Keynote: Gabrielle Chan
To find out more click here
Farming under solar, wind and transmission
WEBINAR 14 October 2021
The National Renewables in Agriculture Conference in partnership with Farmers for Climate Action, held a webinar October 14 2021 'Farming under solar, wind and transmission lines.'
As Australia transitions to a local carbon economy, what are the opportunities for combining agriculture with large scale energy infrastructure and generation?
Join us to hear from Aussie and Canadian farmers, who continue to farm under solar panels, wind turbines and transmission towers.

National Renewables in Agriculture
Conference and Expo
The 2021 Conference in Dubbo attracted 350 attendees and
included 38 incredible speakers!
Keynote: Simon Holmes a Court
Topics covered;
Green hydrogen
Electric utes
Solar irrigation
Shared benefits when hosting solar and wind farms
Battery storage - what works for ag?
Financing renewables
Website can be found HERE
Email for more info.
Renewing the regions - Agriculture and the energy transition WEBINAR
Wednesday 9th December 2020
Learn from farmers about ways of combining agriculture and energy production, how bioenergy is benefiting Meredith Dairy in Victoria and how one South Australian farmer is using solar irrigation to cut costs.
Speakers include;
Chad Higgins, Associate Professor from Oregon State University talking about the benefits of agrivoltaics.
Paul Squires, farmer and wine maker talking about his solar array and plans to grow potatoes under the panels.
Dominic Murphy, talking about how bioenergy have cut costs at Meredith Dairy in Victoria.
James Stacey, an irrigator in South Australia growing hay and grain with solar power.
Watch the video - 2019 Wagga Wagga National Renewables in Agriculture Conference
The adoption of renewable energy reduces farm business costs and builds resilience while cutting CO2 emissions. But adoption has been slow with investment restrained by;
A lack of knowledge and understanding of feasibility of renewable technologies
A scarcity of visible examples of renewables on farms
Lack of trust in suppliers
High capital costs.
The National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo, the only event wholly focussed on renewables and farming, directly overcomes these barriers by bringing farmers, renewable energy businesses, agribusiness, consultants, peak bodies and Government representatives together in one place to share knowledge and learn about the opportunities for clean energy on farms.
The 2019 Conference created behaviour change.
96% farmers said they will investigate renewables due to the Conference.
64% said they plan to use renewables in next two years.
The Conference was delivered with partners including - Clean Energy Council, NSW Farmers, National Irrigators Council, National Farmers Federation, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Farmers for Climate Action, ReAqua and NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

“We drove 5 hours to attend this conference, and were richly rewarded for our time. We returned to expand our solar infrastructure and rethink plant and equipment investment – with hydrogen tractors around the corner."
Brendan & Claire Booth. Booth Agriculture, Geurie, Central West, NSW.
“Being able to listen to the real-life experience of other farmers embarking on a renewables journey was both interesting and reassuring. We entered the room sceptical but open minded and left inspired and motivated.”
Cate Hardy. Hardy Irrigation Enterprises, Coleambally, NSW